Head of the center

Andrey Chechulin

Experience: >15 years
Project leadership: 10
Participation in projects: 43
Degree: Cand. of Tech. Sc. (PhD)  
Title: Associated Professor
Publications: RISC (amount: 395, h-index: 27), Scopus (amount: 94, h-index: 15)

Email: chechulin@indiforce.ru

Completed a Bachelor's and Master's degree at the Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University. Earned a Ph.D. in Technical Sciences from the Saint Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS) in 2013. In 2015, awarded a medal by the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of informatics, computer engineering, and automation. Currently holds the position of the head of the International Center for Digital Forensics at SPC RAS. Has led over 10 projects and participated in over 40 projects under agreements with the Ministry of Education and Science, Russian Science Foundation, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, European Commission, and various Russian and foreign companies in the fields of computer network security, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, human-machine interfaces, and protection against attacks in social and global information networks. Holds 5 patents and more than 60 certificates of state registration of computer software and databases. Developed and conducted training courses at SPbSPU, ITMO University, and was a visiting professor at the University of Toulouse III (France) and Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden). Developed a master's program in "Digital Forensics" for the field of "Information Security," used in universities across 6 countries. Supervised 3 Ph.D. students and currently supervising 5 doctoral candidates. Participated as a member of program and organizing committees in over 25 international and Russian scientific conferences and seminars. Has extensive experience in conducting judicial, pre-trial, and scientific expertise.

Interests: computer network security, intrusion detection, network traffic analysis and social network analysis.


Elena Fedorchenko

Experience: >10 years
Project leadership: 3 
Participation in projects: 26
Degree: Cand. of Tech. Sc. (PhD)
Publications: RISC (amount: 214, h-index: 15), Scopus (amount: 66, h-index: 12)

Email: fedorchenko@indiforce.ru

In 2009 she graduated from the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University with a degree in Computer Security. Currently works as a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Computer Security Problems, St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS).

Interests: Security of computer networks, methods of risk analysis of computer networks, information risk management.

Василий Десницкий

Experience: >10 лет
Project leadership: 5
Participation in projects: 45
Degree: Cand. of Tech. Sc. (PhD) 
Title: Associated Professor
Publications: RISC (amount: 219, h-index:  15), Scopus (amount: 44, h-index: 10)

Email: desnitsky@indiforce.ru  

Graduated from the Department of Computer Science of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics at St. Petersburg State University In 2006. Received a Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD) degree in direction of “Methods and systems of information security, information security” at the St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS) in 2013. Currently working as a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Computer Security Problems of the St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Being a visiting professor at Astana International University, a higher school of information technology and engineering, lecturing in the area of information security as part of academic mobility in the 2022-2023 academic year.

Interests: information security, Internet of Things, attack modeling and detection.

Dmitry Levshun

Experience: 8 years
Project leadership:
Participation in projects: 15
Degree: Cand. of Tech. Sc., PhD
Publications: RISC (amount: 113, h-index: 10), Scopus (amount: 32, h-index: 8)

Email: levshun.d@indiforce.ru

In 2017, graduated with honors from ETU "LETI" as the best graduate of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Informatics (specialty "Computer Security"). In 2021, successfully defended PhD thesis both in Russia and France, which allowed him to receive a degree of a Cand. of Tech. Sc. (ITMO University) and a PhD in Computer Science (Paul Sabatier University). Currently, he is a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Computer Security Problems of SPC RAS. Since 2022, he has been teaching at SPbSUT at the Department of Secure Communication Systems as an associate professor.

Interests: information security, security by design, Internet of things, cyber-physical systems, attack and attacker modeling.


Igor Zelichenok

Experience: 5 years
Project leadership:
Participation in projects: 5
Degree: -
Publications: RISC  (15 publications, h-index: 2), Scopus (3 publications, h-index: 1)

Email: zelichenok@comsec.spb.ru

In 2021, obtained a master's degree in "Information Security" from the Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich. Participated and is currently involved in more than 5 projects focused on identifying cyber threats using artificial intelligence. Currently a PhD student specializing in "Information Security". Since 2020, has been a junior researcher at the Laboratory of Computer Security Problems, performing tasks as a Python developer, DevOps, system administrator, and Software Architect. In 2020, conducted practical and laboratory work at the Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich in the discipline "Big Data Processing Technologies".

Interests: machine learning, detection of complex attacks in computer systems, big data.

Maxim Gorda

Experience: 6 years
Project leadership:
Participation in projects: 2
Degree: -
Publications: RISC  (7 publications, h-index: 0), Scopus (2 publications, h-index: 0)

Email: gorda.m@iias.spb.su

In 2022, obtained a master's degree in the field of "Applied Informatics in the Digital Economy" at the Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin. Currently a PhD student in the direction of "Methods and Systems for Information Protection, Information Security," as well as a Junior Researcher at the Laboratory for Computer Security Problems of the SPC RAS. Have experience in implementing and operating software and hardware information protection systems from leading Russian vendors. Deal not only with technical but also organizational information security, in particular, developing regulatory documentation for state organizations. Conduct research on cybercrime investigation in Russian organizations within the framework of preparation for defending a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Interests: Information security, cybercrime investigation, organizational and technical information protection.

External experts

Maxim Kolomeets

Experience: 8 years
Project leadership:
Participation in projects: 11
Degree: PhD
Publications: RISC (amount: 99, h-index: 11), Scopus (amount: 31, h-index: 8)

Email: kolomeets@indiforce.ru

In 2017, he received a degree in information security at the State Electro-Technical University ("LETI") (specialty "Computer Security"). In 2021, he received the degree of a professor-researcher at ITMO University (specialty "Information Security"). Received his PhD at the University of Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier in 2021. From 2015 to 2022 was working at the Laboratory of Computer Security Problems of the St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. From 2022 is working at the Human-AI Interaction Laboratory at Durham University. Conducted courses "Visualization of Network Attacks" for masters of ITMO University.

Interests: visualization of attacks, detection of attacks on vehicles, detection of bots and analysis of social media, risk analysis and attack graphs.